[pic] Microsoft® PowerPoint® for Windows® 95 Internet Assistant Fact Sheet |What |The Internet Assistant for Microsoft PowerPoint for | | |Windows 95 is a no-charge add-in that provides users | | |with the ability to easily convert design templates, | | |clip art images, digitized photographs, textures, and | | |formatted text in your PowerPoint slides into rich HTML| | |pages for publishing to the Web. Your presentations can| | |be seen by anyone using one of the popular Web | | |browsers. | |How |With HTML support, users of the PowerPoint presentation| | |graphics program will now be able to: | | |Leverage knowledge of PowerPoint for creating Web | | |pages: Users of PowerPoint already know enough to | | |create rich documents for the Internet. All you need is| | |the Internet Assistant to convert your presentation | | |file into a set of linked HTML documents, ready for | | |publishing to the Web. You get two versions of each | | |slide, one graphic and one text. The text version is | | |useful for Web browsers that can’t view graphics, and | | |it’s faster to flip through the text version of slides.| | |The graphic version maintains the color scheme and | | |appearance of your original presentation. | | |Navigate with Image Map Support: Image Map support | | |enables flexible online navigation by registering | | |Interactive Settings saved in a PowerPoint for Windows | | |95 files. Presenters can easily jump from one slide to | | |another or to a related Web page. Just use Interactive | | |Settings when you create your slides in PowerPoint for | | |Windows 95 to define links. No coding is involved – the| | |Internet Assistant automatically creates the image | | |maps. | | |Apply your corporate design to your HTML pages: | | |Advanced users can customize the text and graphic | | |templates (.TLP) so that PowerPoint outputs HTML pages | | |that match the other Web pages for your company. | |Why |The expectation and demand for exciting, flashy but | | |content intensive Web pages is growing. It is important| | |that the general business user be able to easily create| | |and view files for either the Internet or internal | | |corporate Intranets. With the Internet Assistant for | | |PowerPoint 95, users can create and share compelling | | |information taking advantage of their knowledge of | | |PowerPoint without having to know sophisticated | | |authoring or programming languages, or the complicated | | |code associated with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). | |When |The Internet Assistant for PowerPoint 95 can be | | |downloaded from the WWW at http:// | | |www.microsoft.com/mspowerpoint under “Free Stuff”, and | | |CompuServe (GO “msdesktop”, then see the PowerPoint for| | |Windows section). | © 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, PowerPoint and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.